Saturday, December 24, 2011

Day Four

We sailed through the night and had a bit of a situation along the way. We were all relaxing with a beer late in the evening when Mike looked up and said "Am I going crazy or is the Jib missing?" we looked at Mike and then looked for the foresail and to our horror, it was gone F$#%&***@#@#!!! Lee and Mike rushed forward. The jib was hanging in the water and was being dragged alongside the hull. They managed to get it aboard and re hoisted on the spinnaker halyard [it turned out the shackle had broke].

As the sun rose we were getting close to Point Conception with the oil platforms now clearly visible.

As we were rounding Point Conception we received a MayDay call for a ship stranded near the rocks without power and on their second anchor. We headed to their location to see if we could help, but they were too deep in the rocks for us to be able to pull them out. We acted as a relay to the coast guard of their position and situation until the rescue helicopter could arrive.

Our video footage

After the crew were safely rescued we headed into our anchorage in Cuyler Harbor for the night.

1 comment:

  1. Wow looks like you guys are having fun; everyone is watching your progress so please keep up the updates coming on the site, be safe take soon , Rob
