Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Made it to Cabo!

We made the run down the coast of Baja! We've had no internet so haven't been able to update the blog or email till recently.

Well provide a more detailed account of our trip, but it's good to be in civilization after two plus weeks at sea and anchor!
A warm reception awaited us in Cabo

and somewhere hot!

Dinghy ride through Playa Del Amor

Beach landing at Lovers Beach


  1. love it! you guys have to go around the corner to divorce beach too... :)

  2. Super jealous! awesome you made it!!!

  3. Looks like a great party! Who are the others around the back? Fellow yachties? love dad

    1. The new crew we are adding! It's actually a promotion team for Corona.
      We got a bucket of Corona and a beach ball and they wanted to take our
      picture so we took one too.
