Saturday, December 24, 2011

Walked amongst the elephant seals
Day Five

Took the dinghy to shore and went exploring. There were elephant seals just feet away, some were fighting and there were cute babies as well. Leaving the island wasn't so easy against the surf, in fact it was really really hard to leave! Lee had told us not to go but we were too keen to visit the seals and see the island. We should have listened to him. As we pushed the dinghy off shore, I ended up waist high in the water trying to push the dinghy out and get on board at the same time.

After exploring Cuyler Harbor we went to start the engine for the trip to Avalon, but were unable to start it. The problem seemed electrical and after a number of hours we requested a tow from vessel assist to Santa Barbara. Ironically a rescue vessel was out near us retrieving the vessel we assisted the coast guard with the previous day and we were both towed back together!

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